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Die JANDS Preisliste ist in folgende Bereiche aufgeteilt

  • Jands Console
  • Jands Console Accessoires

  • Jands Console
    595000JANDS Stage ST12/2424 channel lighting consoleUSD1,555.51
    595002JANDS Stage ST24/4848 channel lighting consoleUSD2,115.62
    595006JANDS 4Pak II4 channel desk with dimmer unit and IEC outputUSD1,260.05
    595010JANDS ESPII 24/4848 channel lighing consoleUSD4,977.00
    595012JANDS ESPII 48/9696 channel lighting consoleUSD8,768.21
    595014JANDS ESPII 60/120120 channel lighting consoleUSD13,733.36
    595020JANDS Event V3 EVE 24/120120 channel 48 fader lighting consoleUSD6,090.90
    595022JANDS Event V3 EVE 36/120120 channel 72 fader lighting consoleUSD8,862.22
    595024JANDS Event V3 EVE 48/120120 channel 96 fader lighting deskUSD10,841.96
    595030JANDS Event Plus V3 48/252252 channel 96 fader lighting consoleUSD10,848.28
    595032JANDS Event Plus V3 60/252252 channel 120 fader lighting consoleUSD17,944.06
    595060JANDS Event 408Conventional/Moving Light ConsoleUSD9,796.00
    595062JANDS Event 416Conventional/Moving Light ConsoleUSD12,561.00

    Jands Console Accessoires
    595080JANDS Desk Lampe LL12RLittlite LL12R for Jands ConsolesUSD122.45
    595082JANDS Dustcover DC24for 24 Channel DeskUSD119.29
    595084JANDS Dustcover DC48for 48 Channel DeskUSD119.29
    595088JANDS Flightcase FC24for 24 Channel DeskUSD865.05
    595089JANDS Flightcase FC48for 48 Channel DeskUSD1,133.65
    595090JANDS VGA & Memory socketfor ESPII, Event and EventPlusUSD832.66
    595091JANDS 14' SVGA colour monitorUSD1,007.25
    595092JANDS Memory-Cardfor ESPII, Event and EventPlusUSD424.23
    595094JANDS Floppy Disc Driverfor ESPII, Event and EventPlusUSD1,178.68

    Preise in CHF   Preise in EURO

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