Archive for April, 2023

Partnerangebot: Trafo Baden

Friday, April 28th, 2023

Eventlocation gesucht? Im Trafo Baden finden Sie den richtigen Raum für Ihre Bedürfnisse. Entdecken Sie unsere Vielfältigkeit!

Fresnel LED 100 Watt ab 599.–

Friday, April 28th, 2023

Diese Woche im Angebot / En action cette semaine:


FresneLED Compact 100 Watt mit / avec DMX (OHNE Flügeltor / SANS volet)
Ideal für Theater und TV-Studios / idéal pour les théâtres et les studios vidéo

Jetzt umsatteln von Halogen auf LED! / Passez maintenant de l’halogène à la LED!

Professioneller LED Theaterscheinwerfer aus dem Hause Spotlight Milano.

– Kontrollierbar über DMX oder Stand Alone via eingebautem Drehregler
– Long Life LED mit intensivem WarmWeiss 3000K, >CRI 90, 9’135 Lumen

– Volles Farbspektrum dank Phosphortechnologie und nahezu so hell wie eine 1kW Halogenlampe
– Zoom von 12 Grad bis 75 Grad !

Projecteur de théâtre professionnel de la maison Spotlight Milano.

– Contrôlable par DMX ou par le potentiomètre intégré
– LED blanc chaud intensif longue vie, 3000°K, >CRI 90, 9’135 lumens
– Spectre de couleurs complet comme une halogène, équivaut environ à une 1kW halogène
– Zoom de 12 à 75 degrés !

Brutto-Preis/Prix brut : CHF 1’400.– (SPFNLEDC100WWDMX)

 Netto Aktionspreis / prix net CHF 999.–*

Nettopreis ab 4 Stück/ prix net à partir de 4 pcs  CHF 955.–*
Nettopreis ab 12 Stück /
prix net à partir de 12 pcs 
 CHF 899.–*

 Optionales Zubehör:
Filterrahmen (SPTCS05 Brutto: CHF 20.–) netto für
CHF 18.–*
4-fach Torblende (SPPL4U05 Brutto: CHF 80.–) netto für
CHF 65.–*

Accessoires optionnels:

Porte filtre (SPTCS05 brut: CHF 20.–) net à CHF 18.–*
Volet 4 pans (SPPL4U05 brut : CHF 80.–) net à CHF 65.–*

 *Nettopreis (Preis pro Stk.) Angebot gültig bis 7.5.2023 
*Prix net (Prix par pièce) Offre valable jusqu’au 7.5.2023


W8 All-Weather Speaker

Thursday, April 27th, 2023

W8 All-Weather Speaker


The W8 all-weather two-way loudspeakers with built-in 100V transformer and 8? power tap are perfect for both distributed and near-field applications in environments such as retail stores, restaurants, bars, churches and gyms. The low frequencies are reproduced by a 8” direct-radiating woofer with a polypropylene cone, while the high-frequency section is based on a titanium tweeter. The speaker’s design with a waveguide improves dynamics and efficiency bringing out details in everything you listen to, while reducing reflections that can color the sound.



The all-weather enclosure offers an excellent performance for many environments, including outdoor areas, where the weather protection is needed.


The integrated transformer allows you to use the W8 speakers at 100V line configuration for medium to large scale installations. For this purpose, you can adjust the tap on the position you want.

The installation is made easy with no high technical skills or very special tools needed to install your W8 speaker.

Install your W8 speakers easily, adjusting the included wall bracket and positioning in the desired position.


The W4, W6 and W8 speakers are available in black and white to match the decor and technical needs of your installation.

BEE EYE K15 19x40W ZOOM Moving head light

Thursday, April 27th, 2023
BEE EYE K15 19X40W ZOOM LED Moving Head Light for your review:

  • High power 19pcs 40W OSRAM LEDs
  • Same DMX channel as BEE EYE K15
  • Same Library can be used as BEE EYE K15
  • 5°-60° linear ZOOM
  • LEDs Pixel control
  • Len plate infinite rotation
  • Kaleidoscope and Vortex effects

bautrends News April 2023

Thursday, April 27th, 2023